A Civil Rights Law Firm

Wage and Hour Class Action Settlement

Shishido Taren PLLC prosecutes claims of discrimination and retaliation in housing based on race, creed, color, national origin, sex, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability (Fair Housing). This includes assisting with reasonable accommodation and modification requests, and responding to unlawful denials of RAs and RMs. 

We also hold cities, municipalities, the state, and government officials including police, responsible for civil rights and constitutional violations such as police misconduct, violence, and brutality.

Arias et al. v. DeRuyter & Son Dairy, LLC, et al. (Yakima Superior Court, No. 16-2-03407-39)

Shishido Taren Goldsworthy PLLC and EMP Law LLC served as Class Counsel in the wage and hour class action Arias et al. v. DeRuyter & Son Dairy, LLC, et al. (Yakima Superior Court, No. 16-2-03407-39). 

The case, filed in December 2016, involved a class of approximately 400 dairy workers alleging that all non-management employees of George DeRuyter & Son Dairy, LLC, El Rancho Bella Vista, LLC and D and A Dairy, LLC were denied legally mandated meal and rest breaks and also had unlawful deductions taken out of their paychecks for tools. The Court certified the class on August 24, 2018.

On June 14, 2019, the Court granted preliminary approval for the settlement of this case. The Court's order can be viewed here:  

Class Counsel sent Settlement Notice in English and Spanish to all class members who did not opt out of the certified class. The bilingual settlement notice may be found here:

Class Counsel obtained final approval of the settlement in 2019 before The Honorable Richard Bartheld in Yakima Superior Court.    

Shishido Taren

Jordan Taren and Robin Shishido served as Class Counsel.